Can Dogs eat Tomatoes

Almost all dogs are fond of getting a share of what their human friends are eating. Dogs will even sniff around and taste whatever they feel like having a taste be it bad or good, it does not bother them. They would even eat your leftovers too if they find it available in front of them. But there are some foods that no dog should eat. It is absolutely not recommended that you feed your dog the table scraps or the leftovers by you. The food that has been cooked or prepared for humans are not always suitable for your four legged canine friends. You can give some foods to your dogs which are safe once in a while as treats. 

You may give your dog some piece of tomatoes as long as you comprehend the dangers of it. As a vegetable tomato does have some benefits but it has some components that can potentially harm your dog. One of those components is called solanine. Solanine can be found in the leaves and stems of the tomatoes and also other related plants too. It is such a substance that is risky for our dogs when ingested in large amounts. But it will be safe when you cut out the leaves and the stem part. The green parts of the tomatoes are the most harmful to dogs and should be avoided.

However, the stems and leaves of the ripe tomatoes are less severe than the young ones. So it is okay to give your dog who loves tomatoes a little bit of happiness that comes with treating them with little pieces of tomatoes. If you are someone who has a tomato garden in their home and likes to eat fresh tomatoes then it will be a problem for you because you would have to keep a constant eye on your dog and watch out whenever he or she decides to take a stroll. If your dog has ingested some of the green parts of a tomato then you need to either take advice from your vet or if the amount he or she has ingested is small then just notice for any signs of tomatine poisoning.

 If the amount is large then your dog will show signs that will indicate tomatine poisoning such as — gastrointestinal upset, seizures, loss of coordination, tremors, cardiac effects and weakening of muscles. But the positive thing is that it is very much rare for a dog to get tomatine poisoning because not all dogs like to eat tomatoes and those who like generally avoid the green parts and just take interest in the ripe tomato flesh part that seems juicy and tasty. Even if your dog gets poisoning from eating tomato stems and leaves the prognosis for that is very good for dogs now. 

If you notice any of the above mentioned signs of poisoning then you should quickly call your vet and ask for what you can do next. The symptoms and signs can follow up with serious health conditions too which is why you need to take immediate actions. Now if you ask whether or not you should give tomatoes to your dogs then the answer will be yes and also no because you may only give ripe tomatoes to your dogs. The reason behind this is ripe tomatoes are not considered as toxic to dogs and they can eat it safely. 

But that does not mean you should give a lot of them to your dog because then it can be very harmful. You should give them tomatoes as an occasional treat. You should not give your dog any unripe tomatoes because of the solanine. You should also avoid giving any tomato plants to your four legged cute canine friend. If you have a garden then the best solution is to create a fence around them and keep an eye on your dog whenever he or she gets outside. 

Can Dogs eat Tomatoes Safely? 

Yes, there is a way that you can give tomatoes to your dog safely. As a vegetable tomato does have some benefits but it has some components that can potentially harm your dog. One of those components is called solanine. Solanine can be found in the leaves and stems of the tomatoes and also other related plants too. It is such a substance that is risky for our dogs when ingested in large amounts. But it will be safe when you cut out the leaves and the stem part. So now you know that you should give the ripe tomatoes only to your dog and that also in small amounts. However, wash the tomatoes properly, cut them in small bit sized pieces and then without any additives feed them to your dog. You should avoid feeding unripe tomatoes to your dogs. 

Can Dogs eat Tomatoes

How Are Tomatoes Good For Dogs? 

Tomatoes do contain soluble fiber which is one of the things that our dogs need. Fiber is important because of its digestion improving qualities. Our dogs eat very differently than us which is why their stomach should be able to digest all the foods and fiber helps in these cases. Too much fiber can cause loose motion which is why you should keep it in check. If you ask whether or not you should give tomatoes to your dogs then the answer will be yes and also no because you may only give ripe tomatoes to your dogs. The reason behind this is ripe tomatoes are not considered as toxic to dogs and they can eat it safely. But that does not mean you should give a lot of them to your dog because then it can be very harmful. You should give them tomatoes as an occasional treat. So yes if you give ripe tomatoes in moderation it will be good for your dog’s health and digestion. Other than that tomatoes contain lycopene which is such a substance that makes the bones strong and also lowers the chances of your dog having any heart disease or stroke. 

How Should You Give Tomatoes To Your Dog? 

You should give them tomatoes as an occasional treat. You should not give your dog any unripe tomatoes because of the solanine. You should also avoid giving any tomato plants to your four legged cute canine friend. If you have a garden then the best solution is to create a fence around them and keep an eye on your dog whenever he or she gets outside. The tomatoes should be fresh and washed properly so that the dirt and germ goes away. Now after that cut one tomato in small pieces and give half of it to your dog. The amount should differ per dog depending on size, health condition and likeness. If your dog does not like tomatoes you do not have to force them because not eating tomatoes will not do any harm to them either. Be careful not to add any additives. 

How Are Tomatoes Good For Dogs

When Are Tomatoes Bad For Dogs? 

As a vegetable tomato does have some benefits but it has some components that can potentially harm your dog. One of those components is called solanine. Solanine can be found in the leaves and stems of the tomatoes and also other related plants too. It is such a substance that is risky for our dogs when ingested in large amounts. But it will be safe when you cut out the leaves and the stem part. The green parts of the tomatoes are the most harmful to dogs and should be avoided. However, the stems and leaves of the ripe tomatoes are less severe than the young ones. So it is okay to give your dog who loves tomatoes a little bit of happiness that comes with treating them with little pieces of tomatoes.

Can Dogs eat Cherry Tomatoes 

Our dogs are such curious animals that they want to have a taste of everything we have. Personally whenever I eat something my dog has never seen he will always come up to me with the cutest eyes and be like “can I have some ?”. As much as my heart wants to share my food I can not do that thinking of his health. Cherry tomatoes are in the category of no no to dogs. They might look and taste like tomatoes but in those tiny bodies they contain solanine and tomatine both. Our canine friend’s digestive system is unable to break out these components leading our dogs to have a poisoning. So they are very harmful to our dogs and should not be given in any amounts whatsoever. 

Can Dogs eat Tomatoes Sauce 

Can Dogs eat Tomatoes Sauce

Tomato sauce is not made from just the tomatoes. There are many other ingredients that go down to create tomato sauce. There are salts and sugars and even artificial sweeteners. Other than these named ingredients there are many unnamed components and additives which are especially risky for dogs. Chemicals like these can cause many health problems which is why it is highly recommended that you do not give even the least amount of tomato sauce to your dog. Even ketchups and soups are dangerous because of the added items in them. If your dog has eaten very little tomato sauce it will not cause any problem but if this continues for a long time your dog will develop many health conditions

Can Dogs eat Grape Tomatoes 

Grape tomatoes look like cherry tomatoes except they are oval shaped and cherry tomatoes are round shaped. Although the shapes differ, make no mistake about their components as grape tomatoes also contain the tomatine and solanine which are as previously stated very toxic to the dogs. They should be avoided otherwise they will create poisoning in the dogs which can be very risky for them. They are related to tomato plants which is why they are not completely safe for dogs. Grape tomatoes contain little healthy components for dogs so your dog would be perfectly fine even if he or she spends their rest of the life not knowing the taste of grape tomatoes. 

Can Dogs eat Cooked Tomatoes 

Tomatoes in general are a topic of debate as they are not labeled as completely safe for our dogs. Only ripe tomato is the one that may be given to your dog but you should wash it properly and cut them before giving it to your dog. If you are cooking it you can only boil that tomato in plain water without adding anything, no seasonings at all. The food that has been cooked or prepared for humans are not always suitable for your four legged canine friends. If you think you can give the leftover tomato that you ate and have prepared for yourself with salt and sugar and oil then please refrain from doing so as it can make your dog really sick. 

Can Dogs eat Green Tomatoes 

Can Dogs eat Green Tomatoes

No, green tomatoes are the ones that are not ripened till now and that can contain tomatine and solanine which are very toxic to the dogs. Solanine can be found in the leaves and stems of the tomatoes and also other related plants too. It is such a substance that is risky for our dogs when ingested in large amounts. But it will be safe when you cut out the leaves and the stem part. The green parts of the tomatoes are the most harmful to dogs and should be avoided. You should buy the ripened tomatoes only if it is for your dog. 

Can Dogs eat Raw Tomatoes 

You may give your dog raw tomatoes when they are properly ripe otherwise green tomatoes are a strict no no for our four legged canine friends. If you are giving raw tomatoes to your dog then first wash one tomato properly and very thoroughly. Clean the dirts that are there and then preferably put them into the hot water so that the germs in them die. After that cut them into small and bite sized shapes so that your dog has no problem chewing and swallowing it. Then, you may give small quantities of tomato pieces to your dog as too much can cause stomach problems and health issues. 

Can Dogs eat Canned Tomatoes

Absolutely not, canned tomatoes are strictly prohibited for dogs because they have high amounts of sodium in them. Your dog will be very dehydrated if he or she eats canned tomatoes. Sometimes, it can go to an extreme level and cause salt poisoning in dogs but that is very rare. There are many dogs who are sensitive to tomatoes and other tomato related vegetables who belong to the nightshade family. 

Can Dogs eat Raw Tomatoes
